1. GET THE EMBED CODE - On the page of the Youtube video you want to embed click the share button found under the video, then click the Embed button, then copy the embed code.
2. INSERT CODE INTO MOODLE WEBPAGE - In Moodle create a new webpage or begin editing an existing page. Toggle your view to see the HTML code. Paste the embed code into your page where you want the video to appear. (if you have never done this before, it may be best to embed a video before you start adding other text or content to the page). Toggle back to normal view, make sure to save.
3. That is it!
Step 1: Get the Embed Code.
Click image to view full size. |
Step 2: Insert embed code into Moodle Webpage.
Click image to view full size. |
Final Page.
Click image to view full size. |
You may also view a short instructional video on this process here.