I stumbled upon a resource this morning that I think you will find valuable for improving learning.
The resource is the Goodwill Community Foundation, which is found at http://www.gcflearnfree.org/. You might find the two resources outlined below valuable as you prep your fall courses.
Self-paced Tutorials
Their website consists of self-paced tutorials which that are quite diverse in topic, up-to-date, and very well done. Topics of the tutorials include math, grammar, microsoft office software, reading, money, and more.
I was most impressed with the technology section of the site. I think many of these could be added as help links to an online course for students new to using our technology tools.
A few examples you might check out are:
Firefox: These tutorials start with the basics of installing firefox and use it to browse, but also shows how to add bookmarks and more.
Grammar: one page review of grammar topics such as possesives, semi-colons, negatives, run-on sentences, and others grammar topics.
Microsoft Office: tutorials for the using Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel, and Excel formulas.
Youtube Channel
They also have a Youtube Channel. (The videos are not linked to their site. I'm not sure why.) However, these videos would be a great addition to an online class to support students with just-in-time learning. Their Youtube channel has an extensive list of playlists including topics on Gmail, grammar, math basics, Windows 8, and reading/vocabulary.
If you would like assistance integrating any of these resources into your Moodle course, please contact IT at 815-835-6229. Or email it@svcc.edu .